APAA’s Opioid Recovery Response

Communities across Texas are reckoning with the rising use of opioids and the resulting increase in deaths. From April 2021 to April 2022, 4,839 Texans died of a drug-related overdose, a 63.4% increase in fatalities over the last three years, based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. The over prescription and misuse of opioids is taking a toll, resulting in death, visits to the emergency room, increases in justice-related involvement, hospital and treatment stays, and unmeasurable pain felt by those who have become addicted, as well as their families and communities. 

For additional information, contact APAA’s Opioid Recovery Response Team at opioidresponse@apaarecovery.org

Using the principles of seven targeted focus areas, APAA’s Recovery-Oriented Opioid Response activities expand and enhance the delivery of a peer-driven recovery community system that eliminates barriers, reduces relapse, and bolsters family recovery. 

  • Prioritizing substance-use prevention among youth populations

  • Strategic outreach and community engagement

  • Improving access to opioid support groups and peer-to-peer recovery support 

  • Expanding medication-assisted recovery and treatment education 

  • Restoration for families

  • Strengthening coordination with office-based opioid treatment clinics and the opioid response stakeholder network

  • Harm reduction: Narcan overdose education and distribution